Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Expecting...not this!

I had not expected for pregnancy to be this way. I thought by week 13 or 14 I would be free of sickness. Guess not. My mother and sister tell me (but did not explain) that they were sick until their 6th month -arrgh! I was so hoping I did not follow suit but I guess that is not my path because here I am at week 17 (almost 18 on Thursday) and I'm still nauseated.

It's been pretty hectic these days, with being sick (daily (why didn't anyone fully explain this to me)), going to school (taking chemistry) and working. It's all getting to me a little bit. Oh, I forgot trying to grow a non-cooperating small business on the side.

Then I have all of these wonderful ideas in my head and I don't have time to get to them and when I do have the time, I can't get focus enough to do them. I've been told welcome to the world of Motherhood. How nice! In all honesty, I am very happy to be expecting my first child. REALLY!!! But I'll get through it all...just 4.5 more months and I'll have a whole new set of issues to deal with (I hope I am as appreciative of them all as everyone keeps telling me).

Anyway, I'm just letting it all out for the time being and making a little fun at myself as well.

Until the next time,

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