Monday, March 26, 2018

Make it Monday: Boho Fabric Earrings

This is a new series that I'm starting on my blog, titled: Make it Monday. 

These are items (not limited to jewelry) I've been tossing around and thinking about making. Due to the fact that I work at Joann's, I tend to see a lot of craft projects and most of them I want to try and make myself. Other things I see on YouTube or I'm inspired by one thing another while living through everyday life.

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So this week's feature: 

Boho Fabric Earrings 

I discovered these on YouTube by Secret Soto Creativebirdie making the beads. I decided to make them into earrings. She makes her base with straws/ paper. I make my base with polymer clay. These beads are also called mixed media beads. They are very cool to make. View the video here.