Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Black Friday Sales

A coupon code is not needed to receive the discount.

Jewelry Box Bundle is not eligible for the total purchase. 

Monday, June 4, 2018

Make it Monday: Alcohol Marker Samples

Finally able to get something other than earrings here on this blog. So I've been drawing a lot and I have a collection of alcohol markers, Prismacolor Markers to be exact and a couple of Copic too. I originally purchased a set of 24 then added more over time. Well, i wanted to purchase more but I didn't. When I went into Michaels to buy more I really didn't want to purchase ones I already have or colors to close to what I have now. So I made a sample sheet.

This is my sample sheet:

Now I have something to compare when buying more markers. Let's just hope I don't forget my sample sheet the next time I go shopping.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

WOW!!! AWESOME!!! .............N O T!!!!!!!


Well, I started this new segment on this blog titled "Make It Monday" and every monday I'm to post about something I have made or tried to make whether it's jewelry or some other thing. Today, I realized that the 3rd monday has gone by without a post!!! REALLY Serena???

So this post is to place myself on blast for not keeping up with my own ideas and there is no excuse because I could take an evening and do at least two or three and set them to post when I choose. Anyway, I'll try it again next week. Until then happy crafting!

Monday, March 26, 2018

Make it Monday: Boho Fabric Earrings

This is a new series that I'm starting on my blog, titled: Make it Monday. 

These are items (not limited to jewelry) I've been tossing around and thinking about making. Due to the fact that I work at Joann's, I tend to see a lot of craft projects and most of them I want to try and make myself. Other things I see on YouTube or I'm inspired by one thing another while living through everyday life.

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So this week's feature: 

Boho Fabric Earrings 

I discovered these on YouTube by Secret Soto Creativebirdie making the beads. I decided to make them into earrings. She makes her base with straws/ paper. I make my base with polymer clay. These beads are also called mixed media beads. They are very cool to make. View the video here.