Thursday, November 3, 2011

Bringing home Olivia

Today's earrings are posted at the end

My baby girl Olivia
Sorry, I'm posting so late. After five long, heart-breaking months, I bought Olivia home yesterday from the hospital. And she would only go to sleep when I was holding her. I just got her to go to sleep by herself. So, I'm posting then eating and finally if she is still sleep get a few minutes. I forgot what having a new born is like...WHEW!!!

My son, Olivia and I leaving the hospital
Savon, leading man of my life at 2.5 yr old 

Regardless of how tired I am, I'm so happy to have her home. So, is Savon, he is so helpful with her but at the same time I have to really watch him. But he loves his sister and wants to play with her. It's so cute! I love them both so much!

Earrings of the day...#61
Today's earrings are...

Pink Tassels

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Design Challenge + Earrings of the Day...#62

Blue Bell Fairies

Featured earrings for today are Blue Bell Fairies. I've been really thinking about starting a design challenge group. I've tossed around the idea in my head, trying to come up with the how tos of going about doing this.

I've asked questions like:
  • What would a design challenge achieve?
  • Who and how do I get people to join?
  • What type of activites would we do?
  • Would it be devoted to a specific type of jewelry (i.e. earrings, bracelets, neckalaces...etc.)?
So I prose the question to you my blog followers. Please leave your comments, tell me what you think.

October Earring Special

Buy 1 get the 2nd 1/2 off
Plus Free Shipping
(use coupon code: FREESHIP)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween Adventures and #63 Earrings of the Day

Halloween was so busy for me. I went to the hospital to see Olivia, who is now 10 lbs. 6 oz. and five months old. I took my son, Savon with me as well. I'm glad i did because the hospital had a party for the children in Peds and their families. My little Iron Man, Savon, didn't have to go out later, he got enough at the party. In the picture below, he was having a super hero crisis. His Dad bought him an Iron Man costume and the Doc at the hospital had an extra batman mask that he gave him. After that he didn't want to put on the mask for Iron Man. I got my face painted and dressed my little lady as a bug.

We later went out with my 14 year old niece and god-daughter, they were 80's babies. lol A hot mess if you ask me but whose asking. We all had fun! Oh did I mention, I also got a chance to see Puss n'Boots today, very funny movie. As you can see my day was FULL and FUN!

Pumpkin Spice
The earrings below were my first attempt at polymer clay bead making. I tried to guess it....PUMPKINS! LOL

Monday, October 31, 2011

Earrings of the Day #64

Ethnic Dance

Another creation that was in the Funky Tribal Collection. These are wood circles that I burned a design into with my burning tool. These were a lot of fun to make.

October Earring Special
Buy 1 get the 2nd half off
plus free shipping
(use code: FREESHIP) 

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Earring of the Day...#65

Wooden Dangles
I made these about 4 years ago for my Funky Tribal Collection. This is when I was on the wood kick! It's funny how we go through so many different phases in our creative process.

October Earring Special
Buy 1 get the 2nd half off
Plus Free shipping
(use code: FREESHIP)