Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Introducing my Bead Soup Partner...

Tell us a bit about yourself (name, location, affiliations, personal stuff). Cryss, live in North Idaho, near Coeur d'Alene .. no affiliations - I'm independent - over 55, screw hair dye, ride my Harley, miss my horses gaming with my husband.
Beading and ceramics and I do craft judging

What is your shop and or blog address and name?

What is your favorite color combination? scarlet with hunter green or sapphire blue

What is the first thing you can remember making by hand? How and why did you make it? in the early 70's I would use embroidery thread and string necklaces using old clasps (found in antique stores) to make necklaces for me and my cousins

What inspires you? looking at random items and seeing the beauty within

Where do your ideas come from?
living, seeing - listening to music, sunrise, sunset - a horror movie, you name it

Does the atmosphere affect your creativity? nah

Where do you create, in a workroom/ studio or in a park? the third bedroom in our house has my desk and beads

What type of jewelry do you make? necklaces, earrings, bracelets, pins - just starting to do ornaments

What are your favorite materials/ techniques? i like gem stones and delica's -- for techniques - i try most anything - even count peyote is fun and i really like beadweaving

What is your favorite thing to do with your creativity? gift it - I donate some items each year to a womens program that helps women get better jobs

Why should people buy handmade? why would one want something that anyone else can get? handmade is unique, created with care and vision

Any tips of wisdom on selling handmade stuff?
mostly I gift, so no - but sometimes others see the gift and order something

Apart from creating things, what do you do? work 3 days a week, game or ride the Harleys with my husband, keep in touch with the sons and their families. sometimes I paint/glaze/chalk ceramics

Read any good books lately? I read books by Kim Harrison, Patricia, Jim Butcher, Maria Lima, Clive Cussler to name a few - I gave up on just listing book titles - I like way to many authors

Any other links or information you want to share? Keep trying new things, you continue to learn

Do you have any current projects that you want to describe, techniques to share, give picture of?
Have been learning odd count peyote and I picked the most complex pattern so boy am I learning

In ten years I'd like to be . . . Wintering in Hawaii, living in a nice, small condo with a good view and still be able to bead